مساعد محاضر/خالد قندى

المواد الدراسية

اجبارية / اختيارية نظري / عملي مساندة/تخصصية Course Code Course Name اسم المقرر
اجبارية عملي تخصصية BD504 Periodontics علاج أمراض اللثة

وصف المقرر الدراسي*

وصف المقرر الدراسي
Internship Clinical Training Program
أهــداف الـمـقـرر*
Improve periodontal knowledge of Interns
Improve and develop confidence in the clinical skills
Improve communication skills and develop professionalism
develop scientific research skills and enhance community and volunteer dental project
Develop the concepts of interdisciplinary, team work and referral case management

المعرفة والفهم*

المعرفة والفهم المهارات الدهنية المصادر العلمية والمهنية المهارات العامة والمنقولة
By the end of Internship period, Graduate will be able to: By the end of Internship period, Graduate will be able to: By the end of of Internship period, Graduate should be competent at: By the end of Internship period, Graduate will be able to:
Apply the theoretical knowledge to treat a variety of patients with different periodontal diseases and conditions Interpret the findings from the history, the physical and oral examination, the results of commonly used investigations and oral radiograph Perform comprehensive periodontal diagnosis, discuss prognosis and make treatment plan which includes the necessary surgical approaches Demonstrate preventive oral hygiene aids to the patient for education and motivation
Recognize oral manifestations of systemic disorders Differentiate between similar pathological conditions Applying universal infection control guidelines for all clinical procedures Exchanging information, professional knowledge and experience with colleagues
(Know commonly prescribed drugs in periodontics and dentistry (indications, contraindications, side effects, drug and drug interactions and antibiotics resistance Design proper treatment planning and discuss the rationale for the indicated therapy Perform clinical periodontal skills safely and at good standards to make sure that patients are not subjected to unnecessary risk Manage time properly
Identify difficult cases that may require consultation or referral Recognizing manifestations of patient's abuse and/or neglect and providing proper management Work in the dental clinic with minimum supervision Assessment of the scientific evidence published in professional journals

اساليب التعليم*

اساليب التعليم

المراجع والدوريات*

مكان تواجدها الناشر النسخة المؤلف عنوان المراجع
Faculty Library Saunders, Elsevier 10th & 11th edition Newman, Takei, Klokkevold & Carranza Carranza's Clinical Periodontology
Faculty Library Blackwell 4th and 5th edition Jan Lindhe Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry
Online Wiley Online Library Jon Wiley Journal of Clinical Periodontology

المحتوى العلمي للمقرارت الدراسية*

المعمل المحاضرة عدد الساعات التمارين الموضوع العلمي
240 Daily for 2 months Clinical training and practicing phase I &II of periodontal treatment